
She Kissed The Wind Of Change | Sold

Wind always impresses me with its wild and unpredictable nature, how it is invisible and yet so impactful. I painted a face of that wind, because I wanted to show that the best option is to always face changes straight on, with courage and even better option is to welcome it with wisdom and joy. I think one day – when I get older and more mature than I am now – I will be that kind of woman. I dressed her in gold and red because I felt she achieved a higher level of dignity and wisdom.

My Peace is My Power

Be The Peace You Want In The World

I am always inspired by how strong woman are in their commitment to peace. I have learned how to protect the peace in my life by following example of many wise woman of all the different skin colors and ethnicities. One of the things we all have in common is how much we want our families be safe and to live in the safe world. Mature woman also share in deep understanding that the world peace starts in our hearts and is in our hands. Each of us can start peace. I choose my dark skin friend to be my model for this piece as I am very moved by her stand for peace and acceptance in this world. Also peaceful doesn’t mean boring in any way. My friend is the perfect example of adventurous spirit, playful nature and big, loving heart.


17 Patience, Long Suffering.JPG

Patience - Long Angering

Some painting are really humbling me into a deeper and more mature understanding of different emotions and feelings. The most thoughtful and oldest definition of patience is captured well by the term “long suffering” and also “long angering” I felt that during the creation of this piece. i felt that if i can just hold off reacting to certain events in my life until the anger and pain went away or at least it lessened - I would be able to act better. So I sat down with my angst and hurting in my heart and I painted to discover that strength in me to be bigger than this. Maybe it is the love or grace, Maybe it takes self-control or wisdom. I don’t know. I could just paint that moment of stillness that helped me to act in peace not in anger. I hope this painting to inspire you to find that patience in you and be bigger than anger or pain.