In 2022, I embarked on a remarkable journey into the world of writing, crafting and illustrating three enchanting books for children, among which our family's beloved favorite is "Joey the Rooster Boy." My aspiration is to cultivate a happy and innocent library for my grandchildren, brimming with adventures, laughter, and timeless values.
In 2023, I proudly published "We Loved You Before You Were Born; And You Were Born Just Right," a heartwarming tale that encapsulates the love we have for every child, especially our newly born grandchildren. This cherished book quickly gained recognition, becoming a brief bestseller in its category and receiving glowing reviews from parents, teachers, and grandparents alike.
My ultimate goal is to create engaging and uplifting stories that inspire children to embrace their uniqueness while nurturing a strong faith and understanding of truth. Through my work, I aim to ignite a sense of wonder and joy, guiding children on a journey of discovery and spiritual growth.