“Sisters”❤︎ - the older sister loves the younger sister, in spite of her causing troubles… How many older sisters understand that? We paid for their troubles way too many time😀, yet we love and love more.
•Acrylic on Canvas 20“/20“
•“A sister is someone who loves you from the heart. No matter how much you argue you cannot be drawn apart. She is a joy that cannot be taken away. Once she enters your life, she is there to stay.”
• Definitely experimenting with this new style. I stumbled upon it - totally by accident. I felt like there is something new I wanted express for a while now, and I wanted to play with painting knifes - except I had none! Of course I improvised and I used a pair or tweezers I usually use when I work with pieces of broken glass. It just proves even more that taking a chance and experimenting pays back! Experiment and free your artistic soul!