We Loved You Before You Were Born: A Timeless Tale of Unconditional Love

 In "We Loved You Before You Were Born," I invite you to explore the pages of my newest book. Far more than just a children's book, it serves as a profound expression of boundless love and the magnificence of life's journey. Through its endearing illustrations, this book carries a poignant message, instilling in every child the realization that they are intricately crafted with love and intention by a God Himself.

From the littlest newborn to the inquiring minds of pre-K children, this book encompasses the essence of true affection and the wonder of life's cycle. Its gentle words and captivating visuals serve as a constant reminder to young ones that they are cherished, special, and purposefully created.

With each turn of the page, "We Loved You Before You Were Born" unveils the beauty of unconditional love that surrounds every child. It seeks to nurture their understanding of their own significance and the profound impact they have on the lives of their loved ones. It is a lyrical celebration of the remarkable bond between parents and their children, transcending time and space.

In essence, "We Loved You Before You Were Born" is an enchanting tapestry of love, life, and the tender moments that shape our existence. With its delightful illustrations and heartfelt words, it is a testament to the beauty of child's soul as God’s creation and their inherent worth. It is a timeless treasure that will be cherished by children and their families, leaving an indelible impression of love in their hearts for years to come.

In a world that can be filled with doubt and confusion, "We Loved You Before You Were Born" stands as a shield to protect the deep sense of belonging with family and God. Throughout its pages, love, joy, and wisdom resonate, reminding every child that they are cherished, not only by their family but also by their heavenly Father. And, to make this message complete, we also share the good news of our salvation through Christ in a simple yet clear way.

The narrative gently approaches the wonders of life and assures children that everyone, including their beloved great-grandma, once started as a tiny, precious baby. Each child's unique existence is celebrated, emphasizing that they are beautifully made, are loved unconditionally, and will forever remain treasured.

And for families expecting a new brother or sister, this cherished book unravels the mystery of where babies come from, gently and easily explaining the arrival of a new family member. It becomes a catalyst for joy and understanding, helping the little ones feel connected to the miraculous wonders of life.

"We Loved You Before You Were Born" goes beyond the typical nursery rhyme or storybook. It becomes a tangible expression of love, a tool for parents to read to their children, instilling in them the knowledge of their worth and origin from day one. By sharing this enchanting tale, parents lay the foundation for their child's sense of self, empowering them with a deep-rooted faith and truth.

This book is more than just a gift; it is an investment in the emotional and spiritual well-being and future of every child. From the moment they come into this world until they enter the realm of pre-K, "We Loved You Before You Were Born" is a steady companion, reminding them of their immeasurable value, their place in this vast universe, and the unwavering love that surrounds them.
So, before the world attempts to sow seeds of doubt or whispers tales of inadequacy, let your child immerse themselves in the comforting embrace of "We Loved You Before You Were Born." Its timeless message of true love, connection, and purpose will forever imprint on their hearts and protect them.

This book is not yet available for sale, but for pre-orders only. If you would like to support my “grandma style” efforts of marketing this book and sharing it with every child, there is a lot you can do!

How Can You Help?


Here are 3 simple steps to help us reach the goal!


1. Pre Order the $3 E-book on amazon https://a.co/d/4ckmu0b

2. Email me a screen shot or confirmation of preorder to receive your free PDF and for a chance to win prizes

3. On September 26th – write us an honest review on Amazon – We will remind you.

4. Share the preorder link and those steps with couple of your friends!

5. order your paperback on September 26th to enjoy your special discount!

 Your support will be a blessing, and we pray that God rewards you abundantly for your contribution to our cause of building a culture that values life.

The greatest reward of all is knowing that all God’s children are loved and know that they belong with family and with God.

Once again, thank you wholeheartedly for your support.

Agata May”kowska