Ariel Castro

Welcome our new guest artist Ariel Castro from Chile. I will give him an opportunity to best introduce himself in his own words.

I would like to share why I have invited Ariel to join Wholeheartedarts.

There is a misconception about us Christian that we need to look at the world through our pink glasses and live in the bubble of Gods blessing. Often we are accused of not wanting to see the ugly or the injustice in the world: But this couldn’t be further from the TRUTH.

We are very much aware of injustice, violence, anger, hate and suffering. Although we know that ultimately everything is good for us, and we can rejoice through hard times, we also know that it is our sin and the fall of man that is the cause of all that… That is the truth that leads us to repentance, into Christ and freedom from the slavery to all that unrighteousness. This awareness is what equips us to be a mature and confident witness about the decay in the world and thought it.

We are the light. Darkness cannot comprehend the light, but we the light in this world can comprehend the darkness and approach it with an obedient to God heart.

Art created from this perspective, even if it addresses the ugliest and worst about human nature, doesn’t provoke to more violence but brings light to it.

Ariel art is about exposing the darkness. It is a warning to what had happened and what we shall never forget, because then it will happen again…

I hope you will reflect in his collection of works and connect with Ariel to let him know how it impacted you.

“ The Fall Of Man” Gallery